Maritime Safety and Ports Management Administration

About us

Maritime Safety and Ports Management Administration of Montenegro is a governmental administrative body whose responsibility includes, among other services, Search and Rescue at sea. The responsibilities of the Administration also include safety of navigation related to regulation and maintenance of maritime waterways, as well as performing radio service for the purpose of maritime traffic. Our mission is to ensure the highest level of safety of navigation which is the goal our team incessantly strives to achieve. Through strict application of current laws and international regulations and standards we ensure compliance with the highest safety standards. Our Maritime Operation Center is equipped with the state of the art technology for monitoring and control of maritime traffic. Your safety at sea is our priority!

Responsibilities and services

  • Safety of navigation in the coastal area of Montenegro related to regulation and maintenance of maritime waterways and ensuring their functioning; radio service on maritime waterways for the purpose of maritime traffic, gathering hydrographic, oceanographic and meteorological data and their transmission via the dedicated radio channel;
  • Establishes seaworthiness of ships and other floating vessels: performs technical surveillance, issues ship’s documents, books and certificates; calculates tonnage during tonnage measurement of vessels;
  • Technical expertise after maritime accidents;
  • Organizes and conducts Search and Rescue activities;
  • Prevention and response in cases of marine pollution from ships;
  • Yacht Register;
  • Implementation of international and European conventions, protocols and agreements within the purview of its responsibility;
  • Cooperation with authorized international organizations and responsible bodies of other countries within the purview of Administration’s responsibilities;
  • Ports of national importance;
  • Observes construction, reconstruction, maintenance, protection and development of ports;
  • Monitors the use of ports, ports services and other activities in ports;
  • Control over construction, reconstruction, maintenance and protection of ports’ infrastructure and superstructure;
  • Ensures conditions for safe maritime traffic and good port services in ports and anchorages/berths in ports;
  • Implements national rules, international agreements and standards regarding ports;
  • Keeps Register of Concessions;
  • Ensures fulfillment of conditions established in international and national regulations in the field of prevention of marine pollution from ships, environmental protection of sea and coastal area and civil liability for damage caused by pollution;
  • As well as other activities in the area of its responsibility.
  1. Sector for ship announcements and technical maintenance
  2. Sector for port management
  3. Sector for navigation safety within which there are two Departments
    a) Department of the Maritime Operations Center (POC) in Dobra Voda and
    b) Department of Search and Rescue at Sea (SAR)
  4. Department for human resources and first-level administrative procedure which belong to two Departments,
    a) Department for Human Resource Management and General Affairs,
    b) Department for First Instance Administrative Procedure,
  1. Department of Technical Inspectorate
  2. Department for Technical Inspection and Register of Yachts
  3. Department of Protection of the Sea from Pollution from Vessels
  4. Department of Marine Signaling
  1. Service for financial and accounting affairs and public procurement.

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